What can you do to help your business ride the coronavirus storm?

We’re in the midst of a large rolling change wave, and no-one knows when or how the wave is going to break. So I've been thinking how I can best help people swim not sink.

Lots of clients have been asking for support to help them think differently in the short term and to get creative about what their options are, exercising that powerful thing called optimism.

I've decided to launch a mini life-boat series of coaching tools to help anyone that wants it and I've deliberately priced these at a hugely reduced price because we are all in the same choppy sea right now.

You can choose from two session lengths. Both will look at where your business challenges are in the current climate and the options you have to ride it out. We will challenge, get creative and importantly create an intentional action plan for you to work on.

Let's move from victim mode "there's nothing I can do" to survival mode "here is everything I can do"

All sessions will be held in my online meeting room.

POWER SESSION (£25) 30 min business brainstorm and strategy session

SUPERPOWER SESSION (£50) 60 min in-depth business strategy planning session

There is so much we can't control right now but when things go wrong we have a choice not to go with them. Let's think differently, get creative, spread calm and support each other. Places are limited and you can book directly here

“Emma’s strategy session came at just the right time as I was in a bit of a quandary as to how to proceed in these uncertain times. I told Emma my idea which had been niggling at me as I knew it wasn’t quite right. Emma immediately flipped it on its head and reframed the idea to such a point that it felt good and right and I was actually excited about deploying it.

We also touched on other areas of my business and how I could capitalise on what I do and what people need. We tried to look into the future too which was a really useful exercise.

I left the session feeling energised, with purpose and a happy feeling of doing the right thing.”
adapting your business for Coronavirus