Working from home? 5 tips to improve productivity in the home office

So you’re working from home now and zoom or teams is the new office. Here are 5 slightly unusual tips to help increase productivity in your home office

1. Break the phone habit

Find yourself absent-mindedly reaching for your smartphone when you should be concentrating. Pop an elastic band or hairband around. Having to move the band to get into the phone will interrupt your auto-pilot and make you consider whether you need to do this.

2.Hold your tongue

In an online meeting supposedly listening to someone but find your brain racing off to create your reply or listening to the children fight over the ipad? Our inner voice quietens when our tongue can’t move. Put your tongue firmly behind your top teeth and hold it there….you will find it easier to listen. Trust me - weird but it works.

3.Concentration boost

Got an important document to write to a deadline to meet and find your mind wandering? Try playing Brainwaves music whilst you work - scientifically proven to improve your focus and it won’t interrupt your thoughts with lyrics or radio chit chat. There are lots to choose from - try these

4.Step away from the inbox

It may seem a good idea to start the day by replying to or sending emails, a nice easy task over a coffee. But that way you start the day by inviting more dialogue into your day which can often derail time meant for a focused task. Try working on your most important task first thing and save the emails for later (more time management tips here

5. Come out from under the desk

Sick of crawling round under your desk trying to retrieve the laptop cable that wriggles away every time you unplug it? Grab a humble bulldog clip , wrap the cable through the handles and clip it to your desk to keep it where you need it.

What are your favourite tips for making home office life easier? Go on, spill, I’d love to hear them!