7 ways to use visualisation for success

Visualising is a hugely powerful way to help create the life you want to live but there are a surprising number of different ways you can use it. 

The mind is the most powerful tool we have. It allows us to think, to feel, and to act. It store memories like precious jewels and at the same time is able to expand as we experience and learn new things. 

Incredibly we have on average over 50,000 thoughts a day, sometimes many more, and yet most of us would struggle to write down 50 of those internal messages. Which is why when we actively and intentionally invite our conscious mind to show up and do the work with us we are capable of making amazing things happen. We give those thoughts purpose and our energy flows in that same direction until we get the outcome that we were seeking. 

But even more powerful than that is to invite the ultimate in VIP guests, our subconscious mind and imagination, to the forefront. Then the real magic happens!

Of course it is not pure magic, it is firmly rooted in brain science. Essentially, when we do something new our brain creates a new neural pathway as our neutrons transmit the data that enables us to make it happen. As incredible as our brain is, it cannot actually tell the difference between this happening in real life or us vividly imagining it.  So visualisation essentially uses this cerebral loophole to our advantage and primes the brain to support us living our best life in the future, it gives us a head-start on our goals. 

Neither is it a fluffy concept. There is plenty of research that evidences the positive benefits of visualisation and it is used by many athletes, including Olympians, to improve their performance. 

You’ve probably experienced the power of it for yourself, perhaps even without realising it. Perhaps you were going for a new job and you let yourself imagine what it would be like to get it, to have that title, to be in that building, to work with those people. I bet that interview went well! Conversely how many times have we all visualised the worst case scenario or outcome? Or worrying about something so much that it actually happened? 

Perhaps you can think of visualisation as a window into your best future life. We are going to use it to look forward, positively and with excitement and possibility. Because if we can see if we can believe it and if we can believe it we can do it. Let’s take a look at the different ways you can use your mind to create your best life. Your future starts here.  

#1. What do you want? Using visualisation to get clear on your vision 

Such a simple question and yet one that can be so hard to answer. Many people say they feel they were brought up not to openly “want” things and so they completely avoid even going there in their minds. This process gives you full permission to listen to what you truly want with no judgement or influence from others. There are a couple of lovely ways to encourage these thoughts to come. First sit somewhere quiet where you will not be interrupted. Light a beautiful candle (I personally love a Jo Malone or Neom) or use a scented oil (The balance blend from Neal’s Yard is my favourite) to make this a sensory experience. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, just settle into your breathing. Allow the thoughts and tasks from the day to drift away, there is no need for them to be here now. Try asking yourself what it is that you want. Do not judge or alter what arises in response. Just notice the thoughts. You may have to sit awhile for them to come. If this feels too difficult then another technique I like to use is to imagine a magical presence in the room. It could be a fairy, angel, pixie, spirit animal….whatever you like. Perhaps they offer to grant you a wish? To use their magic to change anything you like in your life. What would you ask for? 

Some people find visioning easier to do through writing so if this sounds like you grab a journal and take it to the safe, serene space we’ve talked about here. Open it and starting with the words “I open my eyes on a day I am living my best life and…..” and just free write. Let the words and thoughts flow. Again, no judgement or interpretation needed. Let your subconscious mind do the work. 

#2. Creating an authentic life: Using visualisation to check that our goals are good ones for us 

More than ever with the ever-on presence of social media we can find ourselves comparing ourselves to others or even being lulled into thinking we have to have or do certain things because they do. If we focus our energy on achieving goals that aren’t authentic to us then not only are we at risk of not achieving them (the true motivation will be lacking) but we also risk taking ourselves off course from the life we actually want to live. This simple snow globe visualisation is a great one to check that your goals come from the right place and are truly authentic. Get comfortable in a calm, quiet place. Once again close your eyes and tune into your breathing. Now imagine you are in the most beautiful snow globe. It is utterly silent, there is nothing around but glistening, crisp white snow. In here you are able to think, do, say whatever you like free from judgement or the needs of others. It is just your true self in here. Now think of your goal. Do you still want it in this place where only you will know you have achieved it? Does it still matter as much to you? Does it still excite you?If it does then this is a wonderful goal for you. 

#3. Goal Dreaming: Using visualisation to unlock your intrinsic motivation 

Compare how these two statements might motivate someone who had publishing a book as their goal:

“I want to have a book published”

“I am a published author”

Setting our goals out in the present tense as if we have already achieved them allows those synapses to fire off and create a neural pathway for this goal. More than this, really visualising that moment when we have achieved this goal allows us to experience just how much it will change our life. To understand what it will give us, to put fire in our bellies to go and make it happen. Here’s a simple exercise to try. Get into your quiet meditation space and close your eyes. Imagine the moment you have achieved whatever it is you have set your heart on. State this goal in the present tense. Now as vividly as you can create a full immersive experience of this moment. Where are you? Who are you surrounded by? What do you hear? What are people saying to you? How do you feel? What is different from where you are now. Add as much detail and colour as you can. If we take the example of being a published author you might be at your own book launch. You can taste the champagne and the canapés and perhaps your hand aches from signing copies. Connecting as fully as you can with your future self will give you the energy and motivation to keep going even if it gets tough.This exercise works brilliantly for times you feel a little nervous too for example a job interview. Imagine yourself in the room, feeling confidently, speaking fluidly, with great rapport and everything going as well as you could have ever hoped. It will get your brain into precisely the right mode for the real thing. Using highly detailed, vivid imagery is an extremely powerful way to train the mind to go after—and get—what you want.

#4. Creating anchors: How to use visualisation to summon up all your confidence immediately 

We all have days or moments when we wish we had more confidence, when we don’t really feel our strongest and best self. But we also can all think of a moment where we have felt invincible. Where we have felt wonderful, exhilarated, powerful and as if we could rule the world. It might be a professional moment, a sporting achievement, a hobby we are passionate about. Whatever that time is for you there is huge power in that moment that we can harness whenever we need a boost. This exercise has its roots in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and again uses some simple visualisation to create helpful pathways in the brain. In your quiet space close your eyes and think of the time you felt your most brilliant, capable and confident self. Bring your index or middle fingers together to form a circle (as you would a mudra in yoga) with your thumbs. Let them gently rest as you visualise how you looked, stood, spoke, felt….add all the details. Now brighten this image as if you were brightening the screen on a laptop. Make the image as bright as you can and then make it bigger and bigger in your mind. Pick a colour that feels right and imagine this image flooded with that colour. Imagine the colour spinning around and around your whole body, flooding you with this feeling of knowing that you are capable of absolutely anything as this memory proves. Enjoy the sensation and then you are ready open your eyes and release your hands. The next time you are in need of conjuring up your best self simply recreate the mudra (it can be done subtly so no-one else is aware if needed). This physical anchor will take you straight back to that colour, that feeling, that memory and you will boost your confidence on demand. You now have the ability to feel this way whenever and wherever you like.

#5. Your to be list: How to use visualisation to invite the right parts of yourself forward 

We’ve all heard of a to do list. But what about a to be list? We are after all human beings but how often I wonder do you stop and consider who you need to be today. And this is not about pretending to be someone you are not. This is about recognising that we all have many qualities and at different moments it would be beneficial to intentionally connect with those parts of ourselves and invite them to help us in whatever it is that we are undertaking. You can do this first thing in the morning before you leave the house or start your day. Think of it as deciding which parts of yourself you would like to show up today. In your quiet, calm space close your eyes and tune in to your body and how you are feeling. Notice what arises for you. Now think about the day ahead and notice what it asks of you, what is required. With how you are feeling and what is needed of you today I wonder if you can connect with who you need to be to best show up for this? Do you need to be your most patient and compassionate self? Perhaps your sociable self? Maybe even your organised, no-nonsense self? In your own words invite this version of you to step forward and settle in your body before opening your eyes. Now you are ready for the what the day holds with the carefully chosen qualities in place to support you.

#6. Better choices: using visualisation to beat self-sabotage 

Even when we know what we are working towards we all have moments where we trip up along the way. Chances are you even know what you are likely to fall over. Perhaps you want to make healthier choices but give in to the first temptation? Or want to make more money but find yourself discounting your products when someone asks? Try visualising the next fork in the road, the next time when you will face a choice related to your goal. Visualise being in the restaurant and choosing the chicken salad from the menu and then it being delicious. Visualise telling the next customer to ask the full price and them buying it. You will be amazed at the difference this makes in real life 

#7. Your intuition frequency: using visualisation to tune into what your subconscious mind is telling you 

Sometimes however much you search for an answer, your conscious mind just can’t seem to provide it. This is when tuning in to your subconscious mind can be really helpful. What do you already know deep within that you haven’t heard yet? The first thing is to focus on what you want to know. What question are you posing yourself? It can be very specific e.g. should I go for that promotion or more general e.g. what do I need more of right now? Close your eyes and quieten your mind, focus on your breathing and visualise that with every breath you go deeper and deeper inside of yourself until you are inside the beautiful sacred space of your heart. There is nothing in there apart from the purest white light. As you focus on the light notice what image or word arises in this space. Do not question it or overthink it. Simply let it appear. When you have your answer and are back in room, write or draw what appeared from you in the centre of a piece of paper. As you look at this notice what word comes to mind and write it down. Repeat this 8-10 times, again, not judging or deciphering the words. Notice what jumps out for you. What makes sense when your conscious brain interprets it. I wonder what your intuition had to tell you?

Expert tip

These mini meditative sessions can be a little luxury. A moment of ultimate me-time. Indulge yourself with amazing smelling candles or oils, comfy pillows and soft lighting. I like to hold a crystal whilst I do these exercises as it grounds me and I like the energy it creates. You may be drawn to a specific crystal but for visualisation I like both Amethyst for its high vibration and opening of the third eye or my Tigers Eye for bringing clarity, courage and strength. You can also use background music (I use BrainWaves music https://www.youtube.com/c/BrainwavePowerMusic/) to really relax the conscious mind and focus on the now 

Did you know? 

In the early 1990s Jim Carrey was an unknown actor struggling to get by. He decided to write himself a cheque for $10m for “acting services rendered,” dated it for 1994, and carried it in his wallet for daily inspiration. In 1994, Carrey learned he would reap exactly $10 million for his role in Dumb and Dumber.

As published in Spirit & Destiny Magazine, January 2021 edition https://www.spiritanddestiny.co.uk